Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A nostalgic trip

Two days b4 my flight to Brisbane, i went back to visit my old secondary school, Maris Stella High School, with Shaun-Paul and Weixiong. It sure brought back alot of memories. Guess who was the 1st person i saw when i got off Weixiong's car. It was our beloved Brother Anthony.

I instinctively turned back towards the car and managed to avoided contact with him. Phew~ Close encounter. By the way, Brother Anthony has been serving in MSHS ever since the year i was born.

After that, we went to the general office. Had a chat with Mrs Koh, the new vice principal and Mr Ragu, our english teacher. And after that, we went to the staff room. Plenty of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Had a chat with several of the teachers who taught us and we went off to continue our tour.

Several things that still haven't change since my time. Cashcard is still required to pay for the food in canteen. The food still taste suckie. Still have to wear the strangling tie on mondays. The marist band notice board still look as messy. There is still no swimming pool. And last but not the least, Brother Anthony is still the principal.

To conclude my trip, i went to dug out some of the stuffs in the next photo.

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